Teeth whitening or Teeth bleaching is one of the best ways to get a sparkling ,bright smile ,without damaging your teeth and Shiva dental care ,Sanjauli,Shimla can be the best nearest place to get white and bright teeth.

Who is the right person to get whitening done?

External stains due to coffee,tea ,tobacco or medicines or general plaque can be cleaned by routine scaling or professional cleaning at the dental clinic ,but if you find that even after routine cleaning by your dentist you not getting what you expected, then ,dental bleaching or teeth whitening can the best treatment  for you to opt for.

How can bleaching or whitening work for you?

Teeth bleaching is done to make the inner layers of tooth brighter ,which has become darker due to leaching of stains from outside due to medicines ,excessive use of tobacco,tea or coffee . Many a times  even due  general thinning of enamel layer or no specific reason  ,tooth may appear yellowish ,even if no patient history of using any external factors.

Teeth whitening in sanjauli shimla

How bleaching is done and how much time does it take?

Bleaching is done by two ways 

1.Office bleach/In Clinic Bleaching:

It all takes just a single visit of one to one and a half hour  to  get the whitney ,bright teeth.whitening is done by applying bleaching gel on to your teeth ,where bleaching effect is accelerated by using dental led light similar to used in curing composite fillings.Before and after the treatment ,teeth cleaning and polishing is also done at Shiva Dental care,Sanjauli,Shimla.

2.Home Bleaching :

If you are interested in getting a more enhanced bleaching effect ,or your teeth discoloration is more or in case you  cannot spare time for prolonged dental visit then Home Bleach  option can be a thing for you.

         You will be provided with special trays which can adapt over you teeth. You will also be provided with bleaching gel which can be filled in the trays so that you can put in contact with teeth .It can be used overnight or at least continuously for 2 hour in a day 3 to 4 weeks to get the satisfactory result.


What are other situation where bleaching is done?

Bleaching is also done for non vital or dead tooth extremely dark one or two tooh nbetween normal colored adjacent teeth .these teeth typical are nonvital or dead due to some old  trauma or injury .where tooth become dark over the years, even though may be good in shape. These teeth requires to be root canal treated before bleaching if not done priorly .then bleaching gel  is inserted inside the the tooth just as tooth filling is inserted in the tooth ,effect can be seen within a week .

Are there any Side-effects?

The majority of patients suffer mild sensitivity during treatment. This typically resolves once bleaching has stopped. If the teeth are sensitive before bleaching, they will probably become more sensitive during bleaching.

There have been no reports of long-term side-effects of using nightguard vital bleaching with 10% carbamide peroxide. Even prolonged (six to nine months) nightguard vital bleaching has been shown to be safe.

Which Toothpaste Should be Used when Bleaching?

There is some evidence that brushing with a toothpaste containing 5% potassium nitrate for two weeks prior to bleaching helps reduce the risk of sensitivity. Normal toothpaste is usually used during bleaching. Toothpastes will not bleach teeth but brushing with a good-quality toothpaste can help reduce stain formation.

Is Chair-side (also Known as “Power” or “In-surgery”) Bleaching Better than Nightguard Vital Bleaching?

The short answer is no. There is very limited scientific evidence supporting the long-term efficacy of light-assisted chair-side bleaching. The gold standard is nightguard vital bleaching using 10% carbamide peroxide. This method has the American Dental Association (ADA) seal of approval. Light-assisted chair-side bleaching is useful for patients unable to tolerate wearing a bleaching tray and in situations in which a “kick-start” to bleaching may be advantageous.

How Long does Bleaching Last?

The effects of nightguard vital bleaching last on average two to three years before there is any noticeable deterioration. The colour change can remain stable for up to seven years, but bleached teeth may need some “top-up” bleaching at two- to three-yearly intervals. If additional bleaching is required, the time taken is normally much less than that required for the initial bleaching. As a general rule, topping up takes one night for each week taken to complete the initial bleaching.

Why Not Use Over-the-counter Products as Advertised on TV and in Magazines?

Bleaching is best managed by a dentist, who will diagnose the cause of the discolouration, assess the risk of any possible adverse effects and, where indicated,supervise bleaching, possibly as part of a more extensive treatment plan. This helps avoid colour-mismatching of teeth and restorations.Many of the over-the-counter products have no proof of their safety or efficacy. Some products contain acids which may etch and damage the teeth and others contain titanium dioxide, as used in white paints. The titanium dioxide may whiten teeth but the effect is typically very short-lived. Many of the claims made in respect of over-the-counter products are considered to be misleading As a consequence they can be uncomfortable and may fail to protect the gel from salivary deactivation,thereby producing a very disappointing result.

Are Whitening Toothpastes Effective?

Whitening toothpastes primarily remove superficial stains. Most whitening toothpastes contain only 0.1% hydrogen peroxide. None have been shown to be effective at bleaching intrinsic discolouration. A regular toothpaste used together with a proper brushing technique may be just as effective as a whitening toothpaste in removing superficial extrinsic stains.

How Much Carbamide Peroxide Gel is Swallowed During Bleaching with a Bleaching Tray?

About 25% of the carbamide peroxide gel in the tray is swallowed. Most of the hydrogen peroxide which escapes from the tray is immediately inactivated by saliva before it is swallowed. Exposure to hydrogen peroxide is at its highest when the tray is inserted. The exposure reduces rapidly over time.

Is Swallowing Hydrogen Peroxide Harmful?

Most of the hydrogen peroxide released into the mouth during bleaching is inactivated by normal saliva before being swallowed. Any gel that is swallowed is readily inactivated in the stomach. Any hydrogen peroxide that is absorbed and enters the circulation is quickly and effectively inactivated by red blood cells.

To know more about dental bleaching please visit Shiva Dental Care,Sanjauli.for booking you appointment please call at 9418483160, 0177-7960988.